Support From Family, Friends, Communities – Kari


Kari's husband didn't understand what long COVID feels like until it happened to him.


When I first got sick, I’m sure he thought it was in my head and didn’t understand when I said I was tired, it was, I wasn’t just, “Oh I had a crappy sleep and I’m tired.” It’s “My muscles can’t function. They feel like they’re 500 pounds tired.” And it wasn’t ‘til he, because I, of course I gave him COVID when I first got it. And he didn’t get too terribly sick. He, at that time, I was really sick and he just got a bad cold and then this September, during harvest, he got, well we both, he gave it to me this time. But he was really sick with it. And he still is struggling with energy and you know, some days he’ll be like, “Geez, I just have to put on my pants and I’m already exhausted.” And it’s like, “Hmm, that’s been me for two years.” Now you know when I say I’m tired, it’s you know, but it is very hard for people that don’t understand it and haven’t experienced it to accept it. Because it’s not like a, you have a broken leg and you can see the cast and, you know, but it’s a visual thing, this is, it’s not visual, because you look fine, some days.

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